The Adventure Club

Kind of like joining a gang, without all the tattoos
Adventure ClubLiving playfully can be a hard habit to get into. It’s so easy to have good intentions and then fall back into the old, comfortable patterns. We intend to have adventures but the house needs cleaning, groceries need to be bought, Facebook needs to be checked, or the recliner refuses to let us go. We can’t find anyone to go with us and we don’t want to go alone, or we run out of ideas. There as many excuses as there are opportunities. What if someone else came up with the ideas, made the arrangements and guaranteed you would have someone to play with? Well – someone has! To bridge the gap between good intentions and action I’ve created the Adventure Club. At least once a month there will be a playful adventure planned. It could be something as simple as a walk on the beach with an assignment to collect items and build sculptures. It could be an overnight safari adventure, or a day at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. Maybe a Bay tour by boat with a stop at Treasure Island to explore the wineries. When was the last time you played miniature golf, or rode a carousel? Would you like to try your hand at pottery or glass blowing? It’s true that you could do any or all of these things on your own, but chances are you won’t. Or you won’t on a regular basis. That’s why you need to become a member of the Adventure Club.

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